5 min read

Video Update Creation by Paying Status

In this analysis we’ll look at video updates sent with Buffer in 2019 and break them down by whether or not they were created by paying customers. The idea is to get a better sense of where our costs come from.

If a high percentage of video updates are sent by free users, resulting in a disproportionately high proportion of processing costs, it might make sense to only allow paying customers to create video updates.

Data Collection

We’ll collect video updates sent in 2019 from BigQuery.

# connect to BigQuery
con <- dbConnect(
  project = "buffer-data"

# define sql query
sql <- "
    timestamp_trunc(up.created_at, month) as created_month
    , u.billing_plan
    , u.billing_plan_number
    , count(distinct up.id) as video_updates
  from dbt_buffer.publish_updates up
  inner join dbt_buffer.publish_profiles p
    on up.profile_id = p.id
  inner join dbt_buffer.publish_users u
    on p.user_id = u.id
  where json_extract(up.media, '$.video') is not null
  and up.synced_at >= '2019-01-01'
  and up.created_at between '2019-01-01' and '2020-01-01'
  group by 1,2,3
# query bigquery
videos <- dbGetQuery(con, sql)

Now let’s plot the proportion of video updates that were sent by paying and free users across the year. It should be noted that we determine if a user is a paying customer by looking at their current plan.

That means that a user that sent a video update while on a paying plan in 2019 and later churned would not be considered a paying customer. Conversely, a user that sent a video update while on the Free plan in 2019 who later upgraded to a paid plan would be considered a paying customer in this plot.

The proportion of video updates that were created by paying customers increased throughout 2019. This may be in part because we launched direct scheduling for Instagram videos. It may also be because we deemphasized the Free plan throughout the year.

If we calculate the proportion of all video updates created in 2019 sent by users that are currently paying for Publish, it comes out to around 51%.

# get proportion of video updates for all of 2019
videos %>% 
  group_by(paying) %>% 
  summarise(videos = sum(video_updates)) %>% 
  mutate(prop = percent(videos / sum(videos)))
## # A tibble: 2 x 3
##   paying  videos prop 
##   <lgl>    <int> <chr>
## 1 FALSE  2212121 48.9%
## 2 TRUE   2313238 51.1%

Who Shares the Most Video Updates

I’m assuming that the distribution of videos shared by user follows the power law distribution, with few users creating most of the videos, but let’s check and see if it’s true.

# connect to BigQuery
con <- dbConnect(
  project = "buffer-data"

# define sql query
sql <- "
    , u.billing_plan
    , u.billing_plan_number
    , count(distinct up.id) as video_updates
  from dbt_buffer.publish_updates up
  inner join dbt_buffer.publish_profiles p
    on up.profile_id = p.id
  inner join dbt_buffer.publish_users u
    on p.user_id = u.id
  where json_extract(up.media, '$.video') is not null
  and up.synced_at >= '2019-01-01'
  and up.created_at between '2019-01-01' and '2020-01-01'
  group by 1,2,3
# query bigquery
by_user <- dbGetQuery(con, sql)

Yep, that’s a power law distribution. Let’s look at the top 25 users and see how many videos they sent.

The top two users sent over 20 thousand video updates each, while the average for 2019 was 25 per user. The median was only 4 video updates per user.

##     Min.  1st Qu.   Median     Mean  3rd Qu.     Max. 
##     1.00     2.00     4.00    25.05    12.00 23896.00

Now let’s determine if a user was sending an excessive amount of videos. We’ll define excessive as more than three standard deviations from the mean.

# calculate sd
mean(by_user$video_updates) + 3 * sd(by_user$video_updates)
## [1] 576.972

If a user sent more than 576 video updates in 2019, we’ll label them as “excessive”.

# count excessive users
 by_user %>% 
  mutate(excessive = video_updates >= 577) %>% 
  count(excessive, name = "users") %>% 
  mutate(prop = percent(users / sum(users)))
## # A tibble: 2 x 3
##   excessive  users prop 
##   <lgl>      <int> <chr>
## 1 FALSE     179689 99%  
## 2 TRUE         965 1%

There were around 965 users sharing an excessive number of videos. They make up around 1% of the population of users that shared video updates in 2019.

# count videos sent by these users
 by_user %>% 
  mutate(excessive = video_updates >= 577) %>% 
  group_by(excessive) %>% 
  summarise(videos = sum(video_updates)) %>% 
  mutate(prop = percent(videos / sum(videos)))
## # A tibble: 2 x 3
##   excessive  videos prop 
##   <lgl>       <int> <chr>
## 1 FALSE     3065709 68%  
## 2 TRUE      1459650 32%

This 1% of users sent 32% of all video updates in 2019. These are the users that shared the most video updates.

id billing_plan video_updates
56cc920c719979c244d02683 agency 23896
5c06b641c7e882395579bd67 small 23153
5b9e47e6ee01077d453a3235 individual 18415
5983375d10c7c2fc6f7020a5 individual 16935
5cb087de4711243c0f6cab44 pro 16882
57dfd3b864899c420a0b1d1c awesome 15270
55d87bac58eb12bc1b9ea824 premium 12712
518fa3e83f9c363e2b000009 small 12429
5cca643e6121f740ce1d7417 premium 9529
5845db9f6b9d75c30e2f8c56 small 8954
56dcf9fd234d2adf53ad128f small 8720
583d5cc6e774e7ca4c7e5365 small 8181
5c59ffcea4b3ff5011638975 small 8075
5c133dc875bcc12c7e112666 individual 7988
5ab2fc6ce8678f1f21876c7d agency 7856
5b78c1fbc62341be70c6dc35 business 7693
561ff53a4c4812fe278b4579 individual 7442
54c9feff9de141a472a4909c small 6586
5bff4dc44b1be715e33d3d04 individual 6567
5731272cfe1bf64848673ad6 business 6408
5c8a1206dcfa5a2f4d6cfdb5 pro 6362
5748f3b6e1bc83990f4a37e3 agency 6358
5be44ae787538636e82b0bbe agency 6262
59d38d074409553815cf5bf8 awesome 6185
5d72c35cf19bcd54233f5804 individual 6174
570f243131c2106c690883be awesome 5920
56d17fb7b1954e85720e3e56 individual 5890
594d523ba733306d159bc474 pro 5665
59c8fffcaa7cc06f27584dae individual 5569
5b5c545937d7ca7e61a5bd01 agency 5558
57d7c71fcde3fb437aff3be0 pro 5355
58e3dfc6c31add4b2906b033 awesome 5346
5abf76d4ed2d8f59482c22af individual 5336
501c21a4169f375402000008 small 5212
5c22a78ec7e882701a1cab09 pro 4943
5835fa7ef4b94a1b071770b4 awesome 4928
5b6ca6eee2d08d63152f927e enterprise 4836
5550e43e5f25329235e4fd1f enterprise 4722
58dc1439df8451697d43b8c6 individual 4663
592d0a62a9a493b701399549 awesome 4348
50e4cba71346afaa2a000004 pro 4325
5c73ee39e1896a2e825e0162 enterprise 4247
5238bd1eef17dcec1e000036 awesome 4241
5965c2b86bf29f2565ef5992 small 4155
5b76d0c03b2a39b42117aca8 individual 4154
5baa528bc7e882109c2dcb87 individual 4105
5abe44ee05fbf6c6511f1fe1 individual 4093
58ad727f7715cb29621d9a36 small 4060
5c6af86567358939ad1d3c63 small 3969
5af5a8084eca02c87f220664 small 3950
5bcce56fc7e8825a880d8f29 individual 3935
585f0ed7db0adaca6316d1ca individual 3850
5c84e3a48048ce1ecc1d6c44 business 3840
58b087eed7fd77d40eece837 awesome 3762
5a1cbd34936392440b0e9d6f individual 3741
5ca14616863f07454f3d0054 individual 3733
5c5cb5b7ea55276d1725d105 individual 3719
54c463adabdcfb425e8b4567 agency 3705
5aaab79be5f7cf5a7570a34c individual 3660
53b1b2f53a304e5d53e76352 small 3647
56c2db462ec27aa22c736957 small 3641
5bda464b93235d7ba471808c business 3609
4f0f037b512f7eea7f000008 awesome 3557
5c813c2f97226266aa60f815 premium 3436
5ba422904d496523b011e6a2 small 3419
56cf17fb5ddc69693a3b4116 agency 3393
5b03de32a21a1980071103dc individual 3370
5b7bcb4dbfdf6960466989c5 small 3366
5a82f477088690816a089c9a awesome 3316
593ebc8f840f27414bbdedc7 individual 3315
51ff4186ead9b81c0700000f pro 3298
589385af3b512a365dc4d291 awesome 3262
5c23f96187538654d80e4156 pro 3257
55efceaceaf59a6b223279ad pro 3218
572b124570a1d7de253797d0 individual 3203
5d4c1c9028de2b61e97f6907 pro 3203
5b4d0b9ce341a10f6650a12e individual 3199
5b0b4d9977bf97ae623c408a individual 3195
5936d634a9a493d4373f9229 awesome 3195
589295417fbcf55e6e8b8e84 awesome 3183
5b521109adaa83a13ecdcf60 individual 3147
5604879de80f06980b418c7b individual 3123
5b2cd827ecb246895bbc2b58 individual 3117
58b5b150a3454f8a28c1c745 awesome 3110
5c5d818bc84eee12526b0a24 agency 3087
51a9ad73ead9b88b43000007 small 3079
5d65f6eae56d174058612e32 small 3072
5bea4141d5bb024979408077 small 3060
5a7a902d69be2f82152d940a agency 3059
537a6bd9d1664c873f7b3f30 agency 2995
5be25722a32b5b3c0f7a69b4 pro 2977
59df7065513d8dc33bca1c75 small 2970
5b19cb391feda36a477ce6fc individual 2947
5ba251a03e4e157bb678ca12 pro 2897
5d336f3db94e34140540df68 individual 2880
5c4829644b1be71ae167b88c individual 2862
57cf0e1eeb331b1d307422fd awesome 2856
5421885b19b5425847a162ce business 2851
5885c9c331c2255d04c6dd09 agency 2850
582f0ac3fd827f2214f80dfb pro 2849