3 min read

Distribution of Profiles for Paying Publish Users

In this analysis we’ll look at the distribution of profiles for paying Publish users. We’ll look at the total number of profiles connected as well as the number of active profiles, with active defined as having had a post created in the past 30 days.

Data Tidying

Let’s determine if each profile is active, and then count active and inactive profiles for each user.

# determine if active
profiles <- profiles %>% 
  mutate(is_active = updates >= 1,
         dollar_amount = plan_amount / 100)

# group by user
by_user <- profiles %>% 
  group_by(user_id, billing_plan, plan_id, quantity, customer_id,
           product, dollar_amount, billing_interval, is_active) %>% 
  summarise(profiles = n_distinct(profile_id)) %>% 
  pivot_wider(names_from = is_active, 
              values_from = profiles) %>% 
  replace_na(list(`TRUE` = 0, `FALSE` = 0))
## `summarise()` regrouping output by 'user_id', 'billing_plan', 'plan_id', 'quantity', 'customer_id', 'product', 'dollar_amount', 'billing_interval' (override with `.groups` argument)
# rename columns
names(by_user) <- c("user_id", "billing_plan", "plan_id", "quantity", "customer_id",
                    "product", "dollar_amount", "billing_interval",
                    "inactive_profiles", "active_profiles")

# get total profiles
by_user <- by_user %>% 
  mutate(total_profiles = inactive_profiles + active_profiles)

# see how many users are on each plan
by_user %>% 
  ungroup %>% 
  filter(billing_plan != "individual" & billing_plan != "awesome") %>% 
  count(billing_plan, sort = T)
## # A tibble: 10 x 2
##    billing_plan      n
##    <chr>         <int>
##  1 pro           51560
##  2 small          7258
##  3 premium        3830
##  4 premium_v2     1588
##  5 business        624
##  6 agency          201
##  7 enterprise       15
##  8 enterprise150     8
##  9 enterprise200     4
## 10 enterprise300     3

We’ll group the enterprise plans together before plotting the distributions.

# group enterprise plans
by_user <- by_user %>% 
  filter(billing_plan != "individual" & billing_plan != "awesome") %>% 
  mutate(billing_plan = gsub("enterprise150", "enterprise", billing_plan)) %>% 
  mutate(billing_plan = gsub("enterprise200", "enterprise", billing_plan)) %>% 
  mutate(billing_plan = gsub("enterprise300", "enterprise", billing_plan))

Distribution of Profiles

We’ll start by plotting histograms of the total number of profiles connected for users on each plan type.

We’ll export a csv of counts for each plan for internal use.

by_user %>% 
  group_by(billing_plan, total_profiles) %>% 
  summarise(users = n_distinct(user_id)) %>% 
  ungroup %>% 
      billing_plan == "pro" ~ total_profiles <= 8,
      billing_plan == "small" ~ total_profiles <= 25,
      billing_plan == "business" ~ total_profiles <= 50,
      billing_plan == "premium" ~ total_profiles <= 8,
      TRUE ~ total_profiles <= 1000
  ) %>% 
  write.csv(file = "~/Desktop/all_connected_profile_counts.csv", row.names = F)

Next we’ll plot the distributions of active profiles.

We can export another csv of counts for each plan.

by_user %>% 
  group_by(billing_plan, active_profiles) %>% 
  summarise(users = n_distinct(user_id)) %>% 
  ungroup %>% 
      billing_plan == "pro" ~ active_profiles <= 8,
      billing_plan == "small" ~ active_profiles <= 25,
      billing_plan == "business" ~ active_profiles <= 50,
      billing_plan == "premium" ~ active_profiles <= 8,
      TRUE ~ active_profiles <= 1000
  ) %>% 
  write.csv(file = "~/Desktop/active_profile_counts.csv", row.names = F)